Empowering Women to Heal

Empowering Women to Heal

If you follow my blog at all, I’m guessing you may have noticed over the last 15 months that I have changed the identity of what I am up to several times. From simply blogging about my story with endometriosis, to OMG I’m going to write a book, to wellness...
How Hotels are helping us Stay Well

How Hotels are helping us Stay Well

I remember growing up, going on vacation, and hearing my dad say that a hotel is just where you sleep. We never stayed anywhere fancy, and that was fine. As an adult, my attitude has changed. Aaron and I travel quite a bit both personally and professionally. If...
Creating a Travel Schedule that promotes Wellness

Creating a Travel Schedule that promotes Wellness

Airline travel. Those words alone evoke stress for many people. Between navigating budget airline luggage rules, knowing how much clothing to remove for TSA, and jamming liquids in tiny bottles, getting on an airplane feels like herding cattle. There are a few things...
Business Travel and Maintaining Wellness

Business Travel and Maintaining Wellness

It has been a busy month around here! I spent the last few days in Texas for a blogging conference, Blog Elevated, which was really great. I learned a lot, met really great ladies (and guys too, but it was 95% women) and more importantly was able to come home without...