It has been a busy month around here! I spent the last few days in Texas for a blogging conference, Blog Elevated, which was really great. I learned a lot, met really great ladies (and guys too, but it was 95% women) and more importantly was able to come home without my body being completely overwhelmed, exhausted, sick, and hurting. Maintaining wellness while traveling can be difficult, so I decided to share what helps me the most. And as I prepare for Emerging Women in New York City, there are a few things I will be doing differently to help my body even more.

I’ve been to plenty of conferences and traveled for business both as a business owner and as an employee. Most of the time the schedule is jam packed, you’re meeting with a TON of different people, and new information is coming at you like a firehose. As an employee, I understand obligations and adhering to bosses demands. As a business owner, I understand business moves forward in the connections and interactions that take place after formal meetings. It is hectic and can be stressful. Downtime seems impossible. But it is not.

Additionally, I don’t always have control over food options, hotel options, flight schedule, or the length of my day, etc. And although I am flexible and able to go with the flow, there are some things that are a must.  My body is sensitive and has requirements in order to maintain optimum performance; there are a few things I’ve learned are non-negotiable.Empowering Women to Heal. Business Travel and Maintaining Wellness

Keeping my body well, and my mind clear of stress and drama are essential for whole body health, and therefore essential to my productivity. My choices matter. Let me say that again, the choices I make matter. And some choices are more important than others. Priority number one, choosing to do what is best for me and my body. If taking a break before dinner is what I need, I excuse myself for twenty minutes, run up to my room and decompress. Priority number two, maintaining my self-care routine. Yoga and meditation are essential for me, even if yoga classes or twenty minutes of meditation do not happen, I at least get time in for stretching and mindfulness.

I have a lot to say on this topic, so will be posting about Business Travel for the next couple of days. I will be covering how I handle travel schedules, hotels, find healthy food, and self-care options.




Next Articles:
Creating a Travel Schedule that promotes Wellness
How Hotels are Helping us Stay Well

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