I am proud to say I WAS THERE for the first Million Women March for endometriosis! This is my first conference, march, gala, rally, or any other sort of large gathering I’ve attended for endometriosis, and I have to say it was inspiring to meet so many wonderful women. This last week was the ultimate CELEBRATION for awareness and empowerment of endometriosis.
The Million Women March for Endometriosis was put on by the Nezhat family of Drs from across the country. I have to say that it felt really good to hear from a group of respected OB/GYN surgeons that they hear our pain and truly care.
Thursday, March 13th was full of education, inspiration, and connecting with other women who share the struggle of endometriosis. For me, it was a day to combine my passion for photography and to be a part of a movement so close to my heart.
We are huddled together braving the 30degree weather to be a part of the FIRST Million Women March for Endometriosis. This event took place all over the world in places like Washington DC, Amsterdam, Belfast, Berlin, Brasilia, Buenos Aires, Copenhagen, Dublin, Helsinki, Kingston, Lisbon, London, Madrid, Oslo, Reykjavik, Rome, Stockholm, and Valleta. How amazing is that?!?!?
I met amazing women who are doing everything they can to bring awareness to endometriosis. To empower and to educate. Here are a few of the fabulous women I met… End To Endo, EndoConneCT, Empower to End Endo, My Endometriosis Story, EndoSisters.org. This really represents the tiniest snippet of women doing what they can to be a driving force in the endometriosis community. Since I was at EndoMarch as a photographer, I didn’t get to have too many conversations…there were too many amazing moments to capture! I am, however, very grateful for the connections I made! And am very much looking forward to collaborating in the coming months. <3
A huge round of applause to everyone who came together to make this event happen!! It warms my heart to say I attended the first March, and am looking forward to next year!!
I am also thrilled to announce that I will be featuring 5 amazing EndoSisters at the end of the month in a series called “End with Empowerment”. Her other women’s stories and find inspiration! Don’t miss it!