Wheelchair Mommy

Wheelchair Mommy

When I turned 18 I had no idea what challenges the year would hold for me. I knew for certain I would be graduating, moving in with my best friend and starting college. I, however, did not know that my life would be taking a drastic turn that would change how I lived...
A Messy Mission

A Messy Mission

Recently I read Robin Roberts book Everyone’s Got Something and fell in love with the quote she uses from her mother; “Make your mess your message”. The words spoke to me. What is my mess? Although chronic pain and disease was definitely a mess, it...
It is time to treat the whole person

It is time to treat the whole person

Endometriosis. What is this word? The technical definition of this medical condition is a disease in which tissue that normally grows inside the uterus grows outside the uterus. It is estimated that 1 in 10 women and girls worldwide are living with this disease....
GO Sonja

GO Sonja

Thanks Audrey for asking me to guest blog over here at Rewired Life. I’ve gone through several stuck phases in my life and have always turned to the honest and authentic written word in personal blogs for inspiration. Something about the shared journey, complete with...
Featured Inspirational Women

Featured Inspirational Women

Featured Inspirational Women guest posts are just that… women I am inspired by telling us their story. I couldn’t be more excited!! Join me every Friday and hear from incredibly inspiration women who have overcome obstacles and are living an extraordinary...
Fear and Spanx

Fear and Spanx

I woke up this morning feeling like my body was wrapped in 20 layers of sausage casing…more intimately known to the modern woman as Spanx. No, I didn’t pass out in my party dress. I woke up emotionally wrapped in fear; squeezing my ribs, stomach, and back,...
Audrey Michel. Rewired Life. Listen to your body Meditation

Learn to Listen

to YOUR body.

Feeling like maybe your body and intuition have something to say...but are not quite sure if you are hearing correctly?


to help you connect to your body and inner wisdom NOW!

SUCCESS! Don\'t forget to say YES to opting in. Then, your meditation will be on its way!