by Audrey Michel | Mar 28, 2014 | Celebrate, Heal, Love
Find your voice and use it! – Lindsay Murphy I knew something was wrong. I just didn’t know WHAT was wrong. I tried to use my voice and speak up about what was happening to me. No one listened. I eventually just accepted that no one was listening and there...
by Audrey Michel | Mar 27, 2014 | Celebrate, Heal, Love
Women with Endometriosis need to become Empowered  – Melissa Turner I felt like a hamster running around experiencing the same things over and over again. It went something like this: Pain: surgery: hormonal treatment: side-effects…. go off treatment: pain:...
by Audrey Michel | Mar 26, 2014 | Celebrate, Heal, Love
Empowerment: That cannot be my only answer. I have been dealing with endometriosis for over 10 years, had 2 surgeries, been to multiple doctors, put on tons of different medications, given tons of shots & had countless tests done on me. After my second...
by Audrey Michel | Mar 25, 2014 | Celebrate, Heal, Love
Empowerment: I am worth it! I suffered with extremely painful periods from the very beginning. I complained about them for years to various doctors but it was always brushed off as normal. I was offered Ibuprofen and sent on my way. When I was 17 I went on birth...
by Audrey Michel | Mar 22, 2014 | Celebrate, Most Popular
Have you heard? I am featuring 5 amazing EndoSisters this week and their journey to empowerment. Angela Hendrick with Empower to End Endo Aubree Deimler with Peace with Endo Meredith Gersten, holistic health coach with O.MG Fitness Melissa Turner with Endo Angel and...