GO Sonja

GO Sonja

Thanks Audrey for asking me to guest blog over here at Rewired Life. I’ve gone through several stuck phases in my life and have always turned to the honest and authentic written word in personal blogs for inspiration. Something about the shared journey, complete with...
Fear and Spanx

Fear and Spanx

I woke up this morning feeling like my body was wrapped in 20 layers of sausage casing…more intimately known to the modern woman as Spanx. No, I didn’t pass out in my party dress. I woke up emotionally wrapped in fear; squeezing my ribs, stomach, and back,...
Empowering Women to Heal

Empowering Women to Heal

If you follow my blog at all, I’m guessing you may have noticed over the last 15 months that I have changed the identity of what I am up to several times. From simply blogging about my story with endometriosis, to OMG I’m going to write a book, to wellness...