Love Affirmations


What does Self-Love look like?

Loving yourself is not self-centered or narcissistic. Unconditional Self-Love is patience and kindness towards ourselves. It is judgement free. It is letting go of that that does not serve us.

How do you arrive at a place of unconditional love, when you hate parts of yourself or your body?

Oh. So. Difficult. And yet, so rewarding. If you haven’t read my post on Finding Unconditional Self-Love…start here. For me, unconditional love is easily explained by loving a small child. We are constantly amazed by their discoveries, and their growth. We love them through their mistakes, and even through their Terrible Twos. We comfort them as they fall, and give them encouragement when they are scared. Doesn’t this sound lovely? Why is it so difficult to find the same attitudes towards ourselves?

Why is it so difficult to find comfort in the hard times, or to lift ourselves up when we are stuck? Why aren’t we our own best cheerleader? LET’S START!!

   Love Yourself Affirmations, I now trust that everyone will benefit from working on myself.