Y O U ‘ R E I N !
The 5 Day Challenge started Monday…but don’t worry. You’re not missing ANYTHING! All the information you need is below. Just click the days you’ve missed the challenge emails.
Yearning for more content? I’ve been talking about the information in this Challenge on my radio show, Rewired Life™ Radio, with a ton of AWESOME women! CLICK HERE to listen to past episodes or get the iTunes Podcast.
Welcome to the PARTY!
If you’ve missed Monday…or any day of the challenge…the information is available below. Just click which day you missed!
Monday :: Day 1
Welcome to Day 1 of the 5-Day Rewire YOUR Life Challenge.
You’ve made an AWESOME commitment to yourself, and it’s time to jump!
This challenge is all about Rewiring YOUR Life. Literally
Before we begin, we have to understand Neuroplastic Pathways (the wires in our brain and nervous system) and how we short circuit our emotions. In other words, when something feels scary or emotionally unsafe, our brains figure out how to eliminate the issue or go around it; short circuiting the pain or perceived future pain.
It sounds complicated; it is and it isn’t. At it’s simplest Neuroplasticity provides us with a brain that can not only adapt to changes, but can be changed by any experience we encounter. This tells me we all have the capability to change the way our brain processes information physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. You know the saying practice makes perfect? Well, if we think about it in terms of Neuroplastic Pathways, repeated activity makes a circuit, pattern or habit. And since we have choice in our activities and thoughts, don’t you want to create patterns that work for you?
The way I like to explain how Neuroplastic Pathways are created is in the beginning of any learning we have infant legs. Like when a toddler is learning to walk, it’s really stumbly, and difficult. They fall down, and there are bumps and bruises and it’s really confusing. But over time little kids learn to walk and it becomes less of an ordeal. And they eventually just hop up and walk. We don’t even think about it. It’s automatic. You can apply this example to learning anything new, including new emotional patterns.
We create these pathways, good and bad, consciously and unconsciously. When it comes to Rewiring Your Life, the question is; how do you disrupt these Neuroplastic Pathways and break the short circuits of negative emotions we’ve created consciously and unconsciously?
This process to Rewire Your Life, to break the unhelpful short circuits we’ve created with our emotions is the process I used to heal from 17 years of chronic pain and disease, it is what I continue to use to live aligned with inner wisdom and higher self, and is what I teach in my coaching practice.
{{Day 1}} Because You’re Worth It.
Begin with Intention and Ritual.
We want to start this week by being intentional; energy flows to where we direct our attention. So we not only want our energy to know what we are up to… we want it to know we are TOTALLY WORTH IT!
Here’s the CHALLENGE!
- Buy (or pick) yourself flowers.
- Light a candle
- Write down your intention for this week
- SHARE! on Facebook and Instagram. Tag me FB@Audrey Michel and IG@audrey_michel_RWL and use hashtag #rewireYOURlife so I can CELEBRATE what you are up to!!
—-> See my post for today! <—-
Having a physical reminder that I am intentionally shifting my emotional space is something I hold dear. I buy myself flowers almost every week on Sunday or Monday and spend time setting my intention (not a to do list!) for the week.
For more information about setting intention and Shifting Into Feeling TOTALLY Worth It… check out this episode of Rewired Life™ Radio {{click here}}
Tuesday :: Day 2
Shift your Mood.
Welcome to Day 2 of the 5-Day Rewire YOUR Life Challenge!
I hope you had a great time picking out flowers and setting your intentions for the week!
This challenge is all about Rewiring YOUR Life. Literally.
Yesterday we set the stage. We told our body, mind, and spirit that we are serious about rewiring our neuroplastic pathways. We drew a line in the sand and said we are ready to break the short circuits of our emotions and create new patterns.
Now we want to be aware and recognize when we are operating from a “low-vibe” space… in other words… when you’re feeling angry, guilty, judgmental, exhausted, procrastination, etc., what do you do to shift into a “high-vibe” space?
{{Day 2}} Shift Your Mood.
How do you shift your mood when you begin to feel low-vibe sensations?
“In cultivating the habits of happiness, I attract the people and situations that match this frequency” – Marianne Williamson.
Experiment with these tools::
- Music! :: When I’m feeling a bit funky, I have 2 go-to playlists. One that is calming (Kundalini Yoga Chants) and one that is uplifting (super embarrassing 90s Rap. For Real.) Whatever it is for you; put in your earbuds and JAM OUT!
- Box Breathing. :: Inhale for 4 seconds. Hold for 4 seconds. Exhale for 4 seconds. Hold for 4 seconds. Repeat until you feel your heart beat calming.
- Write about it. :: I journal a lot. I always feel SOOO much better after writing out what is making me crazy. Don’t make it a big deal… you can totally bullet point the situation. The point is to GET IT OUT OF YOUR HEAD.
- Get out in nature. :: Someone once told me if you sit with Mother Nature long enough; she will take all your troubles away. They were right.
- SHARE! on Facebook and Instagram. Tag me FB@Audrey Michel and IG@audrey_michel_RWL and use hashtag #rewireYOURlife so I can CELEBRATE what you are up to!!
—-> See my post for today! <—-
What mood interruptor is working for you? I use different techniques for different reasons. Study yourself. Study what you like and when…and why. And if something doesn’t work for you…awesome. Try something else. We are all unique. We all have different likes and dislikes. Be in a place of curiosity and exploration to figure out what works best for you!
For more information about finding unconditional love for yourself while you are doing the heavy lifting of shifting your mood, check out my recent Rewired Life™ Radio episode; Show Yourself Some Love. {{click here}}
Wednesday :: Day 3
UNLEARN Unhelpful Patterns
Day 3 of the 5-Day Rewire YOUR Life Challenge!… Let’s get serious.
I wanted the first two days of the challenge to be light and airy…but now…we get down to business.
Yesterday we discussed ways to shift your mood. More importantly, I want you to be NOTICING your mood. And then I want you to know you can shift your mood, your thoughts, and your beliefs.
Here is where I tend to get a bit of push back. People seem to understand they can change their mood, but be more hesitant and resistant to the idea of changing thoughts or beliefs.
Let me share a quick story. A client of mine came to me stressed to the max about their financial situation. Convinced they are on the edge of financial ruin; living paycheck to paycheck, using credit cards to pay for “life expenses”, and yet holding it all together to maintain their middle-class lifestyle.
We went through a series of practical exercises to clean up debt, get rid of unnecessary clutter to make some quick cash, etc. The usual activities one would expect in this situation.
But then we had to look at what emotional patterns are prolonging feelings of “being broke”. Because let’s be real. The family was well-fed, well dressed, they were going on vacations, everyone’s jobs were secure…to be honest…they were FINE. The point here is that her mind and beliefs were continually telling her she was not fine. That the balloon was going to pop at any moment. She honestly believed her husband was going to lose his job at any minute (a job he’d had for 10 years that quite frankly isn’t going anywhere) and her whole life was going to explode.
Overcoming this takes REWIRING your belief system. A guest on my show, Rewired Life™ Radio, therapist Denise Onofrey says our brain is WIRED to solve problems. And when there is no eminent threat, it makes one up so it can solve it. Um…GREAT.
Now, from the outside, this financial issue is easy to see, that yes, there may be some physical patterns to clean up, but the real issue lies in the emotional charge and unseen lifelong beliefs of this issue. The self-sabotage. The fear. The judgement. But for my client, and for so many of us, when we are IN THE ISSUE, it feels absolutely real, insurmountable, and pretty much unchangeable.
So what do you do??! How do you UNLEARN these unhelpful patterns?
{{Day 3}} UNLEARN Unhelpful Patterns.
So far we’ve set the intention that we are ready for growth, we’ve begun to recognize when our mood isn’t so great… NOW…let’s start breaking the short circuits and build new neuropathways.
“It’s terrifying to let go of the beliefs you’ve held on to for your lifetime. But your happiness and peace depend on releasing those ideas.” – Gabrielle Bernstein
Choose Love over Fear ::
- Love :: I am using LOVE as a spiritual placeholder for your connection to Higher Self, the Divine, God, The Universe, your understanding of a higher power.
- Fear :: I am using FEAR to describe the ego mind. Any heavy thoughts and actions of competition, resentment, resistance, judgement, anxiety, anger, or darkness, etc.
- In choosing Love over Fear you are choosing to act in alignment with your heart center, and Higher Self, instead of allowing ego to run down the rabbit hole of fearful possibilities.
- When you recognize that you are operating out of fear and not love, use this mantra/prayer to start again
- I recognize that I have chosen wrongly, I forgive this thought, and I choose again. I choose love.
- THIS IS KEY! :: The way out of any ego based fear is to witness the feeling without judgement. Making yourself wrong or bad for feeling anxious, judgmental, competitive, or fearful only perpetuates the cycle. Break the circuit. Meet your feelings with love.
- SHARE! on Facebook and Instagram. Tag me FB@Audrey Michel and IG@audrey_michel_RWL and use hashtag #rewireYOURlife so I can CELEBRATE what you are up to!!
—-> See my post for today! <—-
This is a hard one to post about… BUT, find us a fun pic or quote and let us all know that TODAY you choose love!
For more information about finding unconditional love for yourself while you are doing the heavy lifting of shifting your mood, check out my recent Rewired Life™ Radio episode; Unlearn and Redefine. {{click here}}
Thursday :: Day 4
NOURISH Your Mind, Body, & Spirit
YAY! Day 4!
Yesterday was some serious heavy lifting!
Unlearning unhelpful patterns is TRULY the real work.
As you are unlearning, we want to build in nourishment. Nourishing your mind, body, and spirit is a three-way scale. We have to continue to give each part of ourselves a little bit of love!
{{Day 4}} NOURISH Your Mind, Body, and Spirit.
- MIND :: Read! My suggestion? Gabby Bernstein.
- BODY :: Movement. Go for a walk… TODAY!
- SPIRIT :: Practice Mindfulness. Have you heard of the app Headspace? Worth a try!
- SHARE! Where did you go for a walk today? Tag me FB@Audrey Michel and IG@audrey_michel_RWL and use hashtag #rewireYOURlife so I can CELEBRATE what you are up to!!
—-> See my post for today! <—-
What was your view on your walk today??
For more information about Nourishing Your Mind, Body, and Spirit, check out this Rewired Life™ Radio episode {{click here}}
Friday :: Day 5
EVERYDAY Extraordinary
{{Day 5}} EVERYDAY Extraordinary.
Celebrating with Gratitude and Joy is a VITAL part of Rewiring YOUR Life. Solidifying new Neuroplastic Pathways takes positive reinforcement!…and pattern interruption.
Turn everyday experiences EXTRAORDINARY ::
- TAKE A BATH :: Instead of a 2 minutes show, take time to take a beautiful bubble bath. Add some essential oils; Lavender, Wild Orange, or Eucalyptus.
- PICNIC :: Because WHY NOT make eating an adventure? Get outside and change your routine!
- SHARE! on Facebook and Instagram. Tag me FB@Audrey Michel and IG@audrey_michel_RWL and use hashtag #rewireYOURlife so I can CELEBRATE what you are up to!!
—-> See my post for today! <—-
Ready to learn MORE about Rewiring YOUR Life? Join me NEXT week for
3 FREE Training Videos on How To Rewire YOUR Life.
For more information about Celebrating with Gratitude and Joy, check out this Rewired Life™ Radio episode {{click here}}