Million Women March for Endometriosis Photos

How FUN was March 13th??!?

It was an honor for me to combine the work I am doing with EndoSisters and being a photographer. (Audrey Michel Photography if you are interested)

I don’t know about you, but I came home from D.C. completely inspired! It was wonderful to meet so many EndoSisters and feel connected to women from across the country, and the world.

***Here is the deal… These images are free to you for personal use. The point of sharing is to spread the word about the Million Women March for Endometriosis and endometriosis awareness. I do kindly ask that as you use and share these images you give photography credit to Audrey Michel Photography and/or Rewired Life.***

click the image below!!

EndoMarch 2014 Photos, Million Women March for Endometriosis Photos

What I got out of EndoMarch was a great sense of Empowerment. This month I am featuring 5 fabulous EndoSisters who have found their voice, their power, and their path to wellness. A series I am calling “End with Empowerment” to celebrate the end of Endometriosis Awareness Month. If you are craving change, feeling stuck, and wondering what to do about it, you’re in the right place!

Don’t miss it! Sign up here to get on the distribution list.

I want to End March with Empowerment!!

* indicates required



Other suggested blog posts include:
Women Empowering Women
The Gap between the Medical Community and How Patients experience Endometriosis
The Power of Connection – EndoSister