W H A T I S R E I K I ?

History of Reiki
Reiki is a traditional Japanese healing technique based on the principle that the therapist can channel energy into the patient by means of touch, to activate the natural healing processes of the patient’s whole body and restore physical and emotional well-being.

What does Reiki feel like?
Reiki treatments feel like radiant energy flowing through your body. Many have sensations of feeling quite warm or cold. Some clients see colors or abstract visions.
After sessions clients report feeling relaxed, calmer, and clearer. Like a weight has been lifted.

Can Reiki help me?
Yes. Single, or irregular treatments are used for stress reduction and relaxation.
Ongoing, regular treatments allow Reiki energy to clear the nervous system of stored energy and stress from the mind, body, and spirit, manifesting as more serious issues.

Reiki came into my life in 2009…
…at the beginning of my own spiritual journey and path towards healing from 17yrs with chronic pain and disease. (it’s a long story; I wrote a book about it…for real)
Now, it is my life work to share alternative healing and energy work. I see people from all walks of life, some looking for stress relief, others looking to sleep better, and even those who are looking for a deeper spiritual connection to their higher self.
Pairing Reiki and Aromatherapy together gives me the unique ability to work with your body on a subtle cellular and energetic level simultaneously, allowing your body to quickly integrate our work.
I look forward to balancing your energy.
focuses on helping you in 3 ways

Releasing Energetic Overload
Energetic Overload is the experience of soaking up outside energy from other people or the environment in general, and storing it in our bodies and nervous system.
Energetic Overload will amplify difficult feelings such as overwhelm, fear, and anxiety. Utilizing Reiki and Aromatherapy we can rid your system of unwanted stress and exhaustion.

Letting Go of Personal Triggers
Every cell in our body holds prior thoughts, memories, emotions, and traumatic events. When triggered, this creates a release of energy which can be difficult to understand. One might feel confused, lost, stunned, or a myriad of feelings.
Reiki and Aromatherapy can assist you in overcoming personal triggers by allowing us, at a cellular level, to let go of the past.

Teaching Real-Time Tools
All this energy work is great, but what about when situations come up IN REAL LIFE?
Learn REAL-TIME tools to help in everyday life. When you are experiencing Energetic Overload; there are tools for that. When you are working through being triggered; there are tools for that!

T H E R A P Y.
L E A R N. How Essential Oils can assist you in Rewiring Your energy and emotions.
“the wound is the place where the light enters you” – Rumi
Did you know your body holds a wealth of information? Our bodies know the best next step, the right timing, and which path our lives will take. Our bodies know why we cannot sleep and why that headache won’t go away. When we learn to interpret the messages our emotional body is sending, we open up a whole new world for ourselves. We hold the key to healing our bodies, minds, and spirits. I am the Reiki Master you never knew you needed. And I think it is time we met. xoxo