Have you been waiting for the day when you feel happy, confident, and ALIVE in all aspects of your life? Your body, your health, your emotions, your career, your relationships, but you feel stuck, frustrated, and exhausted?
Do you feel like something is missing from your life? Like you are meant for more, but don’t know how to get it?
In this free 3-part video training, I’m going to give you my proven PATH towards healing, the 3 most common DETOURS we face, and the HIDDEN TRAIL we tend to overlook in becoming the woman you’ve always known you could be and start living the life you’ve been dreaming of.
These 3 Videos will help you Grow into the woman you KNOW you are supposed to be.
Take a walk along the PATH I used to heal from 17 years of chronic pain and disease, and now teach my clients.
Avoid the DETOURS that often distract us from our goal.
Discover the HIDDEN TRAIL inside of YOU waiting to lead you to wellness, joy, and freedom!
“This process to Rewire Your Life has allowed me to get more in tune with my body + awareness around it. Such an awesome next step for me. I’ve been so aware of my thoughts, however lately the message I’m receiving from the universe is around body. Releasing trauma though the body, so body, mind + spirit can connect.”

Hi! I am Audrey Michel…
…a spiritual growth coach, author of the book Rewired Life, host of Rewired Life™ Radio, and creator of the online master class, Soul Awakening; How to REWIRE YOUR LIFE.
Because of the radio show, I get to speak with women all over the world about what they are most afraid of, where they feel stuck, and how they wish things were different. All the fears we hide from, cover up, and tuck away can be healed, and we can grow in the direction of our best self through the steps in this master class, Soul Awakening.
I am excited to be sharing my best tips and tools for FREE in these Training Videos!
Take a deep breath.
What is your body saying right now? Do you know? Are you ready to tap in to the wisdom your body has to share? To hear your body in a new way, to trust inner wisdom, to live authentically, and connected to your BEST SELF? After years of using achievement, looking good, pretending “I’m fine”, and overworking to feel in control of my life, leaving me sick, tired, and deflated, I finally let go. I finally listened to my body. I found a new path to wellness, love, joy, and independence. Now, I get to fully express myself through my work teaching beautiful, intelligent, women uncover and REWIRE their life to feel fully alive and aligned with who they really are. Why? Because women who are in touch with their true feelings, living aligned with their true self, change the course of their life {and those around them} in a way you cannot even image…yet. But you will.
“I am so thankful for the tools and learning within Soul Awakening! This has changed my life, and I am loving what has started to emerge!”