by Audrey Michel | Jun 26, 2015 | Featured Inspirational Women, Heal
I have two birthdays. One in April of 1980, the day I was born from my mother, and one in November of 2012, the day I started having pelvic pain. A day that my life was immeasurably changed and I was born again as a woman with endometriosis. Previously, I never had...
by Audrey Michel | Jun 12, 2015 | Endometriosis, Featured Inspirational Women
For years I felt pressure to tell my story with endometriosis in a certain way; how long ago were you diagnosed, what stage is the disease in, what’s your pain level, how many surgeries have you had, etc. I never identified with this formula. Yes, I have...
by Audrey Michel | Apr 9, 2014 | Heal, Love
You know…the I’m Fine Mask that helps us get through everyday life. Living with chronic pain and disease isn’t easy. Having to put on a “happy face” and go out into the world is how many of us EndoSisters get through the day. I know...
by Audrey Michel | Apr 3, 2014 | Heal, Most Popular
It’s a question that used to go through my head all the time. I cannot stop taking pain pills, if my pain level is at 10 with pain pills, how awful will life be without? The day I chose to stop taking pain pills was the worst day of my life. A sobbing, snotty,...
by Audrey Michel | Mar 27, 2014 | Celebrate, Heal, Love
Women with Endometriosis need to become Empowered  – Melissa Turner I felt like a hamster running around experiencing the same things over and over again. It went something like this: Pain: surgery: hormonal treatment: side-effects…. go off treatment: pain:...