Empowerment: Taking the Stage in your Life and Truly Being seen as YOU!
Recently I was privileged to attend the Million Women March for Endometriosis Awareness in Washington DC. For a long time, I had been either controlled by Endometriosis, or resisted everything it meant to me that I had experienced such a horrible disease. When I was invited to the March, my first response was resistance. I had spent a lot of time healing, and creating a life that had nothing to do with Endometriosis. I have stepped into the driver’s seat of my life. I have been able to once again live without continuous struggle, and pain. I have even been able to find a place of complete Joy in my life and body again. Going to an event that would force me to be in the space of Endometriosis petrified me. I feared that by being surrounded and the middle of Endometriosis, I would lose all that I had worked so diligently to be beyond Endometriosis.
Within a life of Empowerment, I no longer choose to allow fear to make the choices in my life. Instead I chose to go inward…get real with myself…and chose from my space of truth. As I did this, I would hear “it’s time to embrace the part of your life that was ruled by Endometriosis, and love it totally”. My first reactions…were…”Yeah..Right”…”How and the heck can I do that?” In my heart I knew that moving forward by going towards the Awareness of Endometriosis was going to allow this to happen. I tried many times to go into fear, and not attend. Each time the Universe said…”Oh no Angela…It is time! Show up, Celebrate where you have come, Share who you are NOW, and LOVE totally!”
That is exactly what I did. I showed up as ME. I celebrated ME. I shared who I AM NOW. I LOVED TOTALLY. What unfolded was one miracle after another. I was able to see so many people’s amazingly beautiful hearts, receive so many warm hugs, and enjoy so much laughter. Yes, the cause of Endometriosis brought us together, as a common shared experience. However, what I saw at that March was not Endometriosis. What I saw were hundreds of powerful…amazing…gifted and compassionate people speaking their TRUTH and choosing a new possibility of LIFE. That is what I call EMPOWERMENT.
It is time for people to step into being authentic in their truth, and to share that gift with the world. I wonder how many people will chose today to step on the stage of their life…shine in their truth…and be a STAR!
For support and resources please contact me at: empowertoendendo@hotmail.com
Many bright blessings of love,
Angela Hendrick, MA
View Audrey Michel’s story of empowerment
Read tomorrow’s story of empowerment from Aubree Deimler
Anxious to start your path to Empowerment? Join me in the 7 Day Discovery Challenge!