by Audrey Michel | Jun 26, 2015 | Featured Inspirational Women, Heal
I have two birthdays. One in April of 1980, the day I was born from my mother, and one in November of 2012, the day I started having pelvic pain. A day that my life was immeasurably changed and I was born again as a woman with endometriosis. Previously, I never had...
by Audrey Michel | Jun 19, 2015 | Featured Inspirational Women
Thanks Audrey for asking me to guest blog over here at Rewired Life. I’ve gone through several stuck phases in my life and have always turned to the honest and authentic written word in personal blogs for inspiration. Something about the shared journey, complete with...
by Audrey Michel | Jun 16, 2015 | Celebrate, Endometriosis, Featured Inspirational Women
What does it mean to empower women to heal? This statement is what fuels my soul. As I’ve been sharing my story to overcome endometriosis, I’ve recieved feedback about how my story inspired other women to shift their life. However, sharing my story is one...
by Audrey Michel | Jun 12, 2015 | Endometriosis, Featured Inspirational Women
For years I felt pressure to tell my story with endometriosis in a certain way; how long ago were you diagnosed, what stage is the disease in, what’s your pain level, how many surgeries have you had, etc. I never identified with this formula. Yes, I have...
by Audrey Michel | Jun 5, 2015 | Featured Inspirational Women
Featured Inspirational Women guest posts are just that… women I am inspired by telling us their story. I couldn’t be more excited!! Join me every Friday and hear from incredibly inspiration women who have overcome obstacles and are living an extraordinary...