Last week I spent 2.5 amazing days in Washington DC connecting with EndoSisters from across the country and world. It was a whirlwind experience that I will never forget. As I have been home for a few days now, the weight of the experience is sinking in and I’ve had time to reflect. I wanted to share the 3 lessons being at the Million Women March for Endometriosis taught me.
Million Women March for Endometriosis, EndoSister, Stephanie March, positive endometriosis stories
Attitude is everything. We all have the ability to chose our reaction and way of being in every situation. Thursday was a cold and windy day in Washington DC, but the sun was shining. Hundreds of people came together to support and raise awareness for endometriosis. And despite the less than ideal weather conditions (the only 30degree and windy day that week) we huddled together, danced around, and kept our extremities warm. I had an absolute blast! There were times where I couldn’t feel my fingers, and struggled to change batteries in the camera, but I would change a thing!


The power of connection. As humans we are hardwired for connection. And as women, the need to feel heard and understood is ever present. With the EndoSister community, we have an underlying understanding of eachother’s struggle. It was really wonderful to have an instant, “I get that part of you” understanding and empathy that can be difficult to find with “non-EndoSisters”.
I am forever grateful for the conversations I had with women from across the country who shared their personal stories, trials, and tribulations.

Empowerment comes from within. Endometriosis is tough to deal with. Every woman’s story and struggle is very different. But an overlying similarity I found this last week was that the women who, regardless of their personal or endo background, are looking within, listening to their bodies, and finding the confidence to advocate for themselves are doing well. This doesn’t mean they aren’t in physical pain or don’t spend days curled up on the sofa, but mentally and emotionally are in a place of strength. Being around empowered women I felt at peace, and I felt energized.

I am thrilled to highlight several of the fabulous women I met in DC for the series, “End with Empowerment”. Closing out Endometriosis Awareness month, I wanted to share the energy of amazing EndoSisters doing great things for the community. Join us!




View and download images from EndoMarch 2014

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