by Audrey Michel | Jul 29, 2015 | Heal
Recently I read Robin Roberts book Everyone’s Got Something and fell in love with the quote she uses from her mother; “Make your mess your message”. The words spoke to me. What is my mess? Although chronic pain and disease was definitely a mess, it...
by Audrey Michel | Jun 19, 2015 | Featured Inspirational Women
Thanks Audrey for asking me to guest blog over here at Rewired Life. I’ve gone through several stuck phases in my life and have always turned to the honest and authentic written word in personal blogs for inspiration. Something about the shared journey, complete with...
by Audrey Michel | Jun 16, 2015 | Celebrate, Endometriosis, Featured Inspirational Women
What does it mean to empower women to heal? This statement is what fuels my soul. As I’ve been sharing my story to overcome endometriosis, I’ve recieved feedback about how my story inspired other women to shift their life. However, sharing my story is one...
by Audrey Michel | Jun 5, 2015 | Featured Inspirational Women
Featured Inspirational Women guest posts are just that… women I am inspired by telling us their story. I couldn’t be more excited!! Join me every Friday and hear from incredibly inspiration women who have overcome obstacles and are living an extraordinary...
by Audrey Michel | Mar 27, 2013 | Celebrate, Heal, Love
It’s been a year since that decision… I had gotten used to a pain level of 5 or 6 being a good day. Since being diagnosed with Endometriosis at the age of 14, I had been on a myriad of pills ranging from birth control to pain pills, muscle relaxers,...